About Us
Magia de La Patagonia is a project that seeks to bring Patagonia closer to nature lovers, by offering a privileged piece of land located in the heart of Chilean Patagonia called "La Magia", hence the name of the project.

La Magia consists of a piece of land of approximately 500 acres located between Puerto Cisnes and Villa Amengual, about 2 hours driving from Coyhaique.
It's a place that has been barely intervened by man, located in a valley between majestic mountains and accompanied by the magnificent Cisnes river in all its extension.
In addition, it has the privilege of having the passage of the Carretera Austral road to one side of the field, which provides great connectivity and gives the possibility of stepping into this famous route in a matter of minutes. All of the above make La Magia a unique place that will captivate you at first sight.
Investing in Magia de la Patagonia project is a unique opportunity to acquire an asset of great value over time, since it truly offers pure nature on a privileged place.

La Magia

La Magia

Patagonian Woodpecker, Kingfisher, Condor, Chucao, Huemul and more

Mañío, Coigüe, Tepa, Ciprés, Arrayán and more

Fly Fishing, Trekking, Horse Back Ridding, Bird Watching and more

Hanging Glacier Quelat, Bosque Encantado (Woods), Lago las Torres (Lake), Puyuhuapi Hot Springs, Puerto Cisnes (Port), Lago Verde (Lake), Lago Rosselot (Lake), Isla Magdalena (Island) and more

Contact Us

Diego González · Jorge González
+569 30652132 · +569 76489094
Ibsen 6445, piso 19. Las Condes